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China will become paperless
Publisher:admin Add time:2018/6/7 Viewed:1204
The seminar on the application of electronic reports/certificates, organized by the information center of the national certification and supervision commission, was held on March 22.
Beijing, Shanghai, June 22 (xinhua Chen jing) at present, China is to speed up the certification and accreditation information, especially the large data center construction, build a new formats "Internet + inspection certification testing". The reporter learns, 22, using international advanced encryption algorithm, the new technology such as electronic signature into the specification of the electronic inspection report, certification of the future will be put into use in the third party examination authentication and promotion. These electronic test report and certificate will be unified with can identify authenticity, convenient access to verify digital signatures, not only to achieve the examination of his "paperless", can also be easily been tampered with, the eradication of the present paper reports, certificate is difficult to identify the problem.
This means that an increase in the quality of information acquisition, greatly improve the efficiency of testing certification, convenient enterprise users at the same time, the paper report, certificate of fraud is expected to be eradicated, the third party inspection certification will be more credible, finally actually build and transmit trust in society.
The seminar on the application of electronic reports/certificates, organized by the information center of the national certification and supervision commission, was held here on November 22. It is reported that China's inspection, testing and certification industry is facing major changes and development opportunities. The state has identified inspection and testing certification as an important category of producer services, high-tech services and science and technology services. At the same time, the development of mobile Internet and big data technology has also had a profound impact on the inspection, testing and certification model. Therefore, the state encourages the examination authentication institutions use the Internet e-commerce and cloud computing, big data, such as the Internet of things in the field of innovation, the implementation of electronic process, intelligent management, the accurate service, promote cloud detection, on-line monitoring, such as new business, and accelerate the popularization and application of electronic certificates, so as to better to meet the challenges of the industry and business model change, enhance the trust of the users and consumers, power quality improvement.
It is understood that at present, China into the electronic commerce and Internet application of high speed development, still mainly paper inspection certification testing report/certificate seal pattern of services to businesses and consumers, there are many drawbacks, derived from a variety of problems, such as false paper reports/certificates, paper report/certificate of authenticity is unable to identify, consumer is difficult to obtain sufficient quality information, etc.
The reporter understands, electronic report/certificate has many advantages, such as, encryption and convenient degree is high, good liquidity, low cost, traceability, etc., the related validation can view from all kinds of electronic equipment and electronic carrier, raise the efficiency of the inspection certification testing and credibility.
Shanghai entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureau, told reporters that day for regulators, specification and application with electronic report/certificate, digital signature helps to combat the illegal behaviour of counterfeit, fake report/certificate, etc. It is reported that in the past, the means of supervision mainly rely on the verification of paper reports/certificates, which is neither convenient nor reliable. At the same time, the paper report/certificate cannot achieve data standardization and structure, and it is difficult to share information between different regulatory departments and different information systems, and it is inconvenient for collaborative supervision. The agency says the use of e-cert/report can fully address these issues.
According to understand, use a digital signature of the electronic report/certificate, inspection and quarantine supervision mode innovation, through technical means to strengthen supervision ability, improve the effectiveness of the regulation, accuracy and forward-looking.
For inspection, testing and certification authorities, replacing the original paper reports/certificates with electronic reports/certificates with digital signatures can save a lot of costs such as certificate making, logistics and management. Shanghai entry-exit inspection and quarantine departments to reporters calculated brushstroke zhang, according to the average each report page 4 A4 paper, total cost 15 yuan, the whole of China 300 million copies issued each year, using a digital signature report instead of paper, can save costs about 4 billion yuan a year, with 70 g of A4 paper less 5250 tons, equivalent to less consumption of 15750 cubic meters of wood, can reduce carbon dioxide emissions of 12000 tons.
In addition, paper reports/certificates are easily tampered with and difficult to identify. Using electronic reports with digital signatures, consumers can effectively verify their authenticity. The electronic report is also convenient to check and verify, increasing the quantity of quality information.

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